The next action is to obtain the certificate's subject string and copy and paste it to the white list in an entry of LDAPVerifyCertServerName=. 纠正措施是复制证书的主题字符串,把它粘贴到白名单中的LDAPVerifyCertServerName=条目中。
What we have done is taken a copy of an existing Subject, that has been authenticated by the application server, and sent it to the default messaging provider. 我们所做的是复制现有的Subject(已经通过了应用服务器身份验证)并将其发送到缺省消息传递提供程序。
Select the subject source pattern you want to copy from the previous screen and export the Python script ( xxx_vsp. py) ( any file name you like that ends with. py) to use later for a target virtual system pattern. 选择您想从之前界面复制的主题源模式,并导出Python脚本(以.py结尾的任何一个您喜欢的文件名)用在稍后的目标虚拟系统模式中。
There is not necessarily any connection between the subject matter of the various tunes, but they often copy each other's tempo and mood. 各曲调间没有素材上的必然联系、前后亮相次序,常取各曲速度和情绪。
Export license for other goods subject to export license administration is issued by approval documents of Ministry of Commerce and managers'export contract ( copy of reserved copy). 其它实行出口许可证管理的出口货物,凭商务部批准文件及经营者的出口合同(正本复印件)签发出口许可证。
Mr Humphrey said he had been told the subject person had got hold of a copy of his report into her. 韩飞龙表示,他被告知,受调查人拿到了他对她调查报告的副本。
Execution of an advertising booking order is subject to publisher's of copy, including display, text and illustration. 广告刊出前,其设计、内文及插图须得本刊同意。
Newsletters are subject to extreme economies of scale: the first copy is time-consuming to produce but the rest take just seconds. 通讯极为符合规模经济理论:制作第一份通讯耗时费力,但接下来则极其简便。